K-1 Instructions
Is the 14 page form at
the one I'm to give each club member along with their K-1? ?

If so, is it OK to email them a PDF copy rather than print a
copy for each partner.

Technically, you should be providing the 14 page document. Most investment clubs just provide page 2 of the Schedule K-1 (the page with the codes). You could just provide them the link to the IRS pdf file. There is rarely (and I mean extremely rarely) anything on an investment club K-1 that would drive someone to the full document for an explanation.
Ira Smilovitz
Join me at InvestEd 2010
Investor Education at Its BestTM
Baltimore, MD August 6 - 8, 2010
In a message dated 02/22/10 17:03:29 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Is the 14 page form at
the one I'm to give each club member along with their K-1? ?

If so, is it OK to email them a PDF copy rather than print a
copy for each partner.


If you allow your members to access their K-1’s online,  the instruction link is also provided for them.

Laurie Frederiksen