Annualized Internal Rate of Return ?
I know bivio shows the Annualized Internal Rate of Return,
which is the current price vs the cost basis (plus
dividends?) divided by total years we have held the stock,

Well, where do we see the $ gain?
I would like to compare in a table for the club:
The cost of the stock to the Valuation day price, & the $
gain, & the % gain. How do I do that?

I don't think the Annualized Internal Rate of Return is any
of that.

thanks, Etana
> I know bivio shows the Annualized Internal Rate of Return,
> which is the current price vs the cost basis (plus dividends?)
> divided by total years we have held the stock, right?

That's not how IRR is calculated, but you've sort of got the general idea.

> Well, where do we see the $ gain?
> I would like to compare in a table for the club:
> The cost of the stock to the Valuation day price, &
> the $ gain, & the % gain. How do I do that?

$ gain (or loss) is shown on the Valuation Statement. % gain is not shown

-Jim Thomas
After reading some of the posts on investment returns, I am curious if
anyone use Quicken Premier? I am considering upgrading to Premier from
Deluxe and would like to know if the additional information/features are
useful for the investing portion of the product. I sent inquiries to
Quicken as to the exact features and got a less than satisfactory reply.
Specifically, can someone who uses Premier and/or products like Investment
Account Manager tell me how they compare? Can Premier give good IRR numbers
and valuations on specific dates without excessive work to set it up?
