Missing Trailing Stop Loss
We placed a Trailing Stop, GTC, about 60 days ago on a stock
with TD Ameritrade. When I checked our account, the Stop
order was gone.
I asked TD to investigate and was told that when a stock
issues a dividend, TD "Administratively" cancels the stop
because the prices drops after the ex-dividend date. I
received no notification (e.g. email) from TD. This is not
documented anywhere on TD's website ( that I can find).

Has anyone else had this experience with TD or any other

I had the same issue a couple years ago with Scottrade.

Marty Eckerle

We placed a Trailing Stop, GTC, about 60 days ago on a stock
with TD Ameritrade. When I checked our account, the Stop
order was gone.
Has anyone else had this experience with TD or any other
In a Note at the bottom of the TD Help section for Trailing
Stop I've found "...A trailing stop order will be canceled
in the event of a corporate action, such as a split or a
dividend payment. The order will be canceled before market
open on the ex-dividend date or day of the split."

So TD does document it, but it's well hidden and there is no
notice to the account owner that they took the action.

Jay Sternin wrote:
> We placed a Trailing Stop, GTC, about 60 days ago on a stock
> with TD Ameritrade. When I checked our account, the Stop
> order was gone.
> I asked TD to investigate and was told that when a stock
> issues a dividend, TD "Administratively" cancels the stop
> because the prices drops after the ex-dividend date. I
> received no notification (e.g. email) from TD. This is not
> documented anywhere on TD's website ( that I can find).
> Has anyone else had this experience with TD or any other
> brokerage?.......Thanks...............Jay