Building a club website
I am no expert in web design, or technology for that matter! <G> But I would like to comment on Ellen's recommendation for a blog.
I visited each club blog she sited as examples, and both of them directed me to their respective websites, elsewhere. If a bivio club used Blogspot in the same manner, they would still have to have a homepage on bivio. I don't recall Andy asking about blogging capabilities. I think he just wanted a "front door" on bivio. (I may be wrong! I'm sure he'll let us know.)
I've done several homepages for clubs on bivio. Like Ellen, I believe in simplicity. I try to encourage a simple welcome page that describes the club, guides visitors to their Files Page, and gives the visitor someone to contact if they have questions. I believe a club's time is better spent developing and maintaining worthwhile content on their Files page, or better yet, studying stocks!
The best front door you can have on bivio is one that doesn't require frequent maintenance. And those are so simple to make.
As far as blogs go, I have a running blog on another bivio account which I plan to move over to the Crow River site this year. It's an HTML page that I update on an occasional basis. I keep it in Dropbox so I can update it where ever I am. After I save any updates to the page, I can use the "replace" button on bivio's Files Page to upload the revised page. One click. That's easier to me than trying to maintain two separate websites.
Lynn Ostrem, Minneapolis
Crow River Investment Club
Thanks, Lynn, for the suggestions. Sorry I've been so slow

You're quite right. We do not want a blog; all we want is
what you suggested: a kind of front door or front page to
our club's website, maybe with a picture of a magnificent
14,000 ft. Colorado mountain, but nothing fancy. (My
daughter and son-in-law are avid mountain climbers--no
shortage of photos!). Not much time to work on it right
now, but that's what I'll do eventually.

One quick question: Did you use some program for your home
page, or did you just create it from scratch?

Thanks again,


Lynn Ostrem wrote:
> I am no expert in web design, or technology for that matter! &lt;G&gt;  But I would like to comment on Ellen&#39;s recommendation for a blog.
> I visited each club blog she sited as examples, and both of them directed me to their respective websites, elsewhere.  If a bivio club used Blogspot in the same manner, they would still have to have a homepage on bivio.  I don&#39;t recall Andy asking about blogging capabilities.  I think he just wanted a &quot;front door&quot; on bivio.  (I may be wrong!  I&#39;m sure he&#39;ll let us know.)
> I&#39;ve done several homepages for clubs on bivio. Like Ellen, I believe in simplicity.  I try to encourage a simple welcome page that describes the club, guides visitors to their Files Page, and gives the visitor someone to contact if they have questions.  I believe a club&#39;s time is better spent developing and maintaining worthwhile content on their Files page, or better yet, studying stocks!
> The best front door you can have on bivio is one that doesn&#39;t require frequent maintenance.  And those are so simple to make.
> As far as blogs go, I have a running blog on another bivio account which I plan to move over to the Crow River site this year.  It&#39;s an HTML page that I update on an occasional basis.  I keep it in Dropbox so I can update it where ever I am.  After I save any updates to the page, I can use the &quot;replace&quot; button on bivio&#39;s Files Page to upload the revised page.  One click. That&#39;s easier to me than trying to maintain two separate websites.
> Lynn Ostrem, Minneapolis
> Crow River Investment Club
One quick question: Did you use some program for your home
page, or did you just create it from scratch?
Oh gosh no! I'm not that talented! <G> There are literally thousands of websites out there that offer free websets. Just google "free website graphics" or "free linkware" and you'll find them.
Lynn Ostrem