Annual Bivio expense reimbursement
As treasurer of our investment club, I renew our Bivio
subscription using my personal credit card. Would it be
appropriate for the club to reimburse me by internally
transferring these funds from the club account to me as a
personal monthly payment? And, if so, what would be the
correct method to enter this transfer?

It's not uncommon for a club member to pay a club expense with their
personal credit card and get reimbursed by the club. And if that member
wants to get reimbursed with club units rather than by check, the accounting
entries to do that are pretty easy. Step-by-step instructions for doing
that appear in
on pages 29-33.

However, just to be clear, I hope you're not suggesting that you get
reimbursed with 12 monthly payments ("personal monthly payment"). That
would be unfair to you, IMO.

-Jim Thomas

> As treasurer of our investment club, I renew our Bivio
> subscription using my personal credit card. Would it be
> appropriate for the club to reimburse me by internally
> transferring these funds from the club account to me as a
> personal monthly payment? And, if so, what would be the
> correct method to enter this transfer?