dividend income/ investment income
In investment income when asked where deposited, I said
online account and it should have been bank. Our bank shows
the correct amount but our online shows .05 too much and I
do not find anyway to delete it from the online account.
Can you tell me how to deduct it from the online but not
change the balance in the bank?
Hi Ethel,

You can delete the extra transaction that you entered into your brokerage account by mistake.
Go to Accounting>Accounts and select the "transactions" link next to your broker (online) account.

This will open a page showing all the transactions that have happened in that account. Find the one
that is a mistake.
At the end of the line is a check box. Click on it to select it. Then scroll to the bottom of the
page and select the delete button.

You will be asked to confirm the deletion of that transaction. Select OK and you're all set!

   Laurie Frederisen
   bivio Inc.