re-inviting club members to log on
It has been too long and i still have club members who have
not accepted and logged on to the original invitation. how
do i reissue the invitation? or do i need to?

can someone tell me the steps the new member would go thru
now in order to log on to our bivio website? none will
have the original email that invites and tells how. I
can't seem to find the instructions.

I would like everyone to be online by next week's meeting.

Hi Deannie,

You can resend the invitations by going to Administration>Invites You will see a resend link next
to each one.

When the members receive them they should follow the link they will find included. They will enter
the authorization number they will also find in the email and then create a UserID and password
which they can use to login to your club.

     Laurie Frederiksen
     bivio Inc.