Erroneous withdrawal
I erroneously processed a withdrawal for one of our members.
I read Gene's solution for this problem. However, he didn't
elaborate on how to delete the w/d. Where do I go to delete
it and get that member back on the membership roster?

Thanks for your help.

Hi Barbara,

First, I would go to Accounting>Reports and print out the withdrawal report so you have a record of
what you originally entered.

Then, if you go to Accounting>Accounts and select the transactions link next to the account the
withdrawal was paid from, it will open the transactions list. Find the line for the withdrawal
transaction and check the box at the end of the line to select it to delete. Then, confirm the
deletion by clicking on the delete button at the bottom of the page.

This will remove the withdrawal and bring the member back.

      Laurie Frederiksen
      bivio Inc.
Laurie Frederiksen wrote:
> Hi Barbara,
> First, I would go to Accounting>Reports and print out the withdrawal report so you have a record of
> what you originally entered.
> Then, if you go to Accounting>Accounts and select the transactions link next to the account the
> withdrawal was paid from, it will open the transactions list. Find the line for the withdrawal
> transaction and check the box at the end of the line to select it to delete. Then, confirm the
> deletion by clicking on the delete button at the bottom of the page.
> This will remove the withdrawal and bring the member back.
> Laurie Frederiksen
> bivio Inc.
Laurie Frederiksen wrote:
> Hi Barbara,
> First, I would go to Accounting>Reports and print out the withdrawal report so you have a record of
> what you originally entered.
> Then, if you go to Accounting>Accounts and select the transactions link next to the account the
> withdrawal was paid from, it will open the transactions list. Find the line for the withdrawal
> transaction and check the box at the end of the line to select it to delete. Then, confirm the
> deletion by clicking on the delete button at the bottom of the page.
> This will remove the withdrawal and bring the member back.
> Laurie Frederiksen
> bivio Inc.