I have recently learned about 'fees' in bivio. In my club I
am not the administrator or treas. In the Help menu there
is no subject -fees- so I am wondering how a member can get
detailed info on the topic.

I went to the bivio demo club where I DO have access as an
administrator (sort of) and I can see the fee designation
info. It has taken some time to stumble through this maze,
but I think I know what I need to, now.

I am not a luddite, but back in the days of the 3.5" floppy,
I-Club had a spiral 'user's guide' and everyone in the club
could have access to the same info about 1)accounting and
2)using the software. It seems to me (and I could be wrong)
the on-line bivio -help- menu is incomplete. That is club
members and club administrators have different information
sets available to them.

And I know, I may be the only person in the universe who
cares about this. Possibly I am the only person in the uni
who has had trouble with every single piece of software I
ever encountered, too!!! started with code, fortran, jcl,
and big iron, mid 60s.

Audie Brewton
Hi Audie,

I am glad you have taken the time to post your questions and comments here today. I think there may
be others with the same questions and it's far better to have everyone asking than to be a treasurer
or club member unsure that your clubs accounting is being done correctly.

You make some very good points about having more information available and we are working on adding
even more help and support both on the bivio website and through increased training webinars we will
be offering.

In the meantime, here are some of the ways to find out about topics you want to learn more about.

1. We have a general reference guide which you will find posted at:

2. There are several presentations of parts of presentations on various topics posted in the
files area on Club Café.

3. The Help link on most bivio pages will bring up help information about that page.

4. The Google search feature will search the bivio archives and will bring up lots of relevant
information on topics you may be interested in. There have been many good answers given to club
treasurers over the years and you will probably find that you can learn a lot from reading through

5. As you have found, you can often get an answer to your question by posting it on club café.
One of the best things about the investment club community is the willingness of many of it's
members to share their knowledge and support.

5. We are always glad to spend the time to answer your questions at

I doubt if you or anybody else out there with a question is the only one that has it. I think
everyone appreciates it when someone such as yourself asks about something they may have also
wondered about. While you may find out you've been making some mistakes, it's far more positive to
learn that and continue on correctly than to be uncomfortable that something is not quite right.

I've been a club treasurer for 9 years and made my share of mistakes also. Club accounting does not
always work quite the way we may think it does. It's very appropriate to ask questions if you'd
like further clarification on something.

I'm sure many people were interested in the answers given to your question on using a Petty Cash
account. Thank you again for posting it.

Laurie Frederiksen
bivio Inc.