club_cafe: How does your club deposit checks?

We use TDAmeritrade also, but since we make deposits quarterly and live near one of their offices, our treasurer (me) hand-delivers the checks, which are collected at the meeting prior to the deposit dates (January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1).

They provide us with a free checking account.    Making deposits quarterly is much easier for our members.                                


Sharon Hotchkiss

>Making deposits quarterly is much easier for our members.                                


Sharon makes a great point.  Quarterly payments are less work for the treasurer also.   If your member's cash flow situation will accommodate this,  it may be something for your club to consider.

One thing that may be happening here is that when a brokerage says they won't accept electronic payments, they may be talking about direct transfers.  In my experience,  when you use electronic bill paying from your bank,  if they can't electronically transfer the funds, they send an actual physical check.  If you set up a recurring payment,  they factor in the extra time it will take to get there and send it in time to meet whatever due date you input.  

So,  your members may be able to automatically send their payments, even if your broker says it will not accept electronic transfers.

Laurie Frederiksen

bivio Inc.