syncing club bank accounts
Is it possible to sync our clubs administrative bank account
with BIVIO? This would allow me to track any club expenses.
If not I can manually handle the account.

Matt McCarren wrote:
> Is it possible to sync our clubs administrative bank account
> with BIVIO? This would allow me to track any club expenses.
> If not I can manually handle the account.
> M

According to bivio’s website, Autosync works with the
following financial institutions:
BUYandHOLD, Charles Schwab, E*TRADE, Fidelity Investments,
OptionsXpress, Scottrade, ShareBuilder, TD Ameritrade and
UBS Financial Services Inc. We use the money market fund at
Schwab for all our cash so Autosync does pick up operational
expenses when I write a check on that account. We don’t need
a separate bank account.

You can create manually a separate account in bivio for the
bank account at another financial institution and enter
transactions manually.

Jack Ranby, Treasurer
Grants Partners