Member withdrawal question

I had Scottrade cut the check for a withdrawing member.
Then, I went to bivio and did the member withdrawal. Now,
our account on bivio has an unassigned debit (the amount of
the check for the member from Scottrade) and the amount is
debited for when I withdrew the member. In other words, I
have the transaction twice. Once for the unassigned debit
and again when I withdrew him.

Question: I can't assign the unassigned debit to the
withdrawn member because he is not listed because I already
withdrew him. Can I delete my withdraw of this member and
then assign that debit to the withdrawn member? (it gives me
that option, but the member is not showing in our member
list, because, like an idiot, I already withdrew him). If I
delete my withdraw of him, will he then show in the list of
members so that I can assign my unassigned debit?

It sounds confusing here, but I know that the regular
responders will have the answer.

Thanks in advance!

Dear Johnny,
You need to have a withdrawal transaction recorded for this member so don't
delete that. If you've recorded it as paid from your brokerage account, the
amount has already been removed from your brokerage cash balance. You can
delete the AccountSync transaction.

        Laurie Frederiksen
        bivio Inc.