Just wanted to thank Lynn for a response to my question
about self auditing. I don't think i thanked you.

it is what we were doing and was gratifying to know we are
covering the bases properly.

Deannie Rule
You're welcome, Deannie. But it was just a simple answer to a question! <G> One of the greatest benefits of being apart of the bivio community is that everyone is so willing to reach out and share their ideas and experiences. While I haven't had some of the problems or questions that other clubs have posted lately, it's been very educational to watch the great responses from Rip, Ira and the wonderful tech support staff here at bivio.
As you figure all this out, feel free to join in and share your experiences with the people coming in behind you. It's great to be part of the process!
Lynn Ostrem
Crow River Investment Club
On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 2:03 PM, Deannie Rule <> wrote:
Just wanted to thank Lynn for a response to my question
about self auditing. I don't think i thanked you.