How to Tell Members Where to find a copy of their K-1
I have completed preparing the 1065 and K-1s and ticked the
box "allow members to see their K-1". I now want to sent
them an email telling them their K-1s are available.

However, as Administrator of the site, I only can find the
links to the complete tax return, including K-1s for all
members. I cannot find a link that shows me only my own K-1.

I presume that when regular members log in , they will see
only their own K-1 and not the ability to prepare the whole
tax return. If this is true, can someone tell me on which
screen the link will appear so I can instruct our members
where to look? Is it the same link where I see the choice to
run the complete tax interview?


Jack Ranby
Grants Partners
Hi Jack,
This is a good question for this board because others are asking it too. As
Administrator or Treasurer, you have access to all the files that make up
the return. Your regular members will not. To see your own file
individually in your account, check the "Expert Taxes" box at the bottom of
the taxes page. You will see each K-1 listed individually and you can
select your own to print out.

Members will only see their own K-1 when they login to their own account.
They can find it under Accounting>Taxes

        Laurie Frederiksen
        bivio support