Tax Matters Partner (TMP) Change
According to all information on this subject, our club
officers i.e. Treasurer, President etc. Should be able to
change the TMP when doing the tax interview. No page comes
up inviting us to make the change. Everything else works
just fine but we cannot find a spot in the interview to make
this change. What should we do?
I believe bivio defaults the TMP to the treasurer. You can always edit it directly on the form.
Ira Smilovitz
In a message dated 02/10/09 17:24:00 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
According to all information on this subject, our club
officers i.e. Treasurer, President etc.  Should be able to
change the TMP when doing the tax interview.  No page comes
up inviting us to make the change.  Everything else works
just fine but we cannot find a spot in the interview to make
this change.  What should we do?

Galen D. McBee wrote:
> Everything else works
> just fine but we cannot find a spot in the interview to make
> this change.

The TMP is the person who is logged in when the 1065 file is
either from the "expert taxes" section, or the person who
selects the
"generate federal taxes" link.

Take care.
Eric Dobbs
bivio Inc.