Filing 1065 & Qualified Dividends
I've generated the 1065 for our club and the qualified
dividend amount does not match with Ameritrade's 1099. I'm
$.99 off - Ameritrade is showing $.99 more. I've gone
through and checked all the transactions in Ameritrade to
match what is in Bivio and I can't find anything. Can I
send the 1065 with that "small" difference?

Thank You!

Nancy Hudson
Four Seasons, MO
 I'm $.99 off - Ameritrade is showing $.99 more.   Can I send the 1065 with that "small" difference?
Rip West
Saint Paul, MN
Will do - thanks!


Rip West wrote:
> &lt;&lt;
> &nbsp;I'm $.99 off - Ameritrade is showing $.99 more.&nbsp;&nbsp; Can I
> send the 1065 with that "small" difference?
> &gt;&gt;
> &nbsp;
> Yes.
> &nbsp;
> Rip West
> Saint Paul, MN
I have that difference every year. The dividends and
interest are posted to statement at month end but deposited
to account in the next month at institution. When I
questioned bank I discovered to balance with bank or broker
you need to use Dec 08. I file with slight difference
every year. I balance Bivio to institution statement at
month end for ease of audit.

Nancy Hudson wrote:
> I've generated the 1065 for our club and the qualified
> dividend amount does not match with Ameritrade's 1099. I'm
> $.99 off - Ameritrade is showing $.99 more. I've gone
> through and checked all the transactions in Ameritrade to
> match what is in Bivio and I can't find anything. Can I
> send the 1065 with that "small" difference?
> Thank You!
> Nancy Hudson
> Four Seasons, MO