i have been using bivio for almost a year. i am confused
regarding the valuations. i do the books every month and
value our investments before each meeting per our articles.
when i checked the valuations for the year of 2008 it only
shows 2 of them. where have i gone wrong? thank you all in
advance for your help.

peggy pursley
tgif investment club
kansas city missouri
bivio doesn't save the valuations. You can generate them any time you want by entering the appropriate date.
Ira Smilovitz
In a message dated 02/05/09 16:51:08 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
have been using bivio for almost a year.  i am confused
regarding the valuations.  i do the books every month and
value our investments before each meeting per our articles.
when i checked the valuations for the year of 2008 it only
shows 2 of them.  where have i gone wrong?  thank you all in
advance for your help.

iras1 wrote:
> bivio doesn't save the valuations. You can generate them any time you want by entering the appropriate date.

thank you! i will proceed with finishing the taxes.
Why are you preparing the tax return by hand when bivio will do it for you? The tax module is supposed to be released tomorrow.
Ira Smilovitz
In a message dated 02/05/09 18:11:27 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
iras1 wrote:
> bivio doesn't save the valuations. You can generate them any time you want by entering the appropriate date.

thank you!  i will proceed with finishing the taxes.