Club of 12 members in Columbus Ohio looking for competition
We have a club consisting of 12 members and are looking for
new ways to have some fun with it. We have kicked around a
couple of ideas and thought that some friendly competition
would be fun.

We are hoping to find another club(s) similar in size (8-20
members) in the Columbus or central Ohio area that would
like to participate.

Could establish rules, methods to calculate winners in
different areas. Losers buy winners beers or lunch or
something similar.

This is kind of a loose idea and we'd like input from any
clubs that might like to be involved. We think it could be
some added fun and a way to enjoy your success or make
failure softer besides just looking at numbers.

If interested, please feel free to reply to message or

Jon: Interesting idea. My club meets this Sudnay afternoon (Feb.8th) and I'll bounce it off them. For the past several years we've played an investment game - each participant contributes $10 to play - they're given an imaginary $10,000 to invest and at the end of the year, the player with the highest balance wins the pot. It's been fun, but doing something with another club adds another layer of interest.

We're in Marion, Ohio. Out club has been established for 14 years. We currently have 23 members, although about half are very inactive.

Let me know how you'd like to proceed. I'm in the Columbus area (northside) a couple of times a week. Maybe we should meet for lunch or something. Let me know. You can email me at (I use a spam filter, so you'll have to following the instructions to be added to my contact list).

Thanks. I'll look forward to hearing from you. I think this could be fun for both groups.

Kevin Smith
Ohio Investment Klub