Tax Forms
When?? in early February will tax forms be available?
Sherrill, we usually get the notification between the 5th and 10th, if I remember correctly.  Not usually any later than that.  I know they work hard to get the programming finished every year.  We'll get an email when it's ready.  In the meantime, you can check the tax page, just in case you miss the notification. 
Lynn Ostrem, Founder
Crow River Investment Club
On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 10:26 PM, Sherrill Williams <> wrote:
When?? in early February will tax forms be available?

Lynn Ostrem, Minneapolis
Join me at InvestEd 2009
August 7-9, Salt Lake City, UT

Sherrill Williams writes:
> When?? in early February will tax forms be available?

2009 tax forms for all states will be released by Friday (2/6/09).

We appreciate your patience, and apologies for the delay this year.
