Online Voting For Stock Selection
Please advise whether your club uses online voting to select
stocks and whether this has worked well for the club. Also,
if you would, please recommend online voting software or
Thanks in advance.
Hi Nia,
We have a face-to-face club, but on occasion, we've made decisions by either posting them on our bivio messageboard or by emailling our vote to the president, who then forwards them to the secretary.  This way, two people saw the votes and the secretary can read the decision into the minutes of the next meeting. Some clubs have secret ballot voting.  We never felt the need for it.
However, I can recommend two places to set up a voting poll.  One is  It's a free site, but you have to register.  You can set up multiple message boards (forums) and individual votelets that will let people cast a vote on ONE question. 
Another way to go is Great site. You can register for free, set up polls and surveys of all varieties, and as long as your polls are less than 10 questions, there's no charge.  Over 10 questions, and they have tiered pricing from $19.95/month and up.  You can send out as many polls as you like. 
But do understand that neither of these sites will let you know who completed the poll. And our club prefers to know.  Hope that helps.
Lynn Ostrem
Crow River Investment Club
Thank you for your input.

Lynn Ostrem wrote:
> Hi Nia,
> We have a face-to-face club, but on occasion, we've made decisions by either posting them on our bivio messageboard or by emailling our vote to the president, who then forwards them to the secretary.  This way, two people saw the votes and the secretary can read the decision into the minutes of the next meeting. Some clubs have secret ballot voting.  We never felt the need for it.
> However, I can recommend two places to set up a voting poll.  One is  It's a free site, but you have to register.  You can set up multiple message boards (forums) and individual votelets that will let people cast a vote on ONE question. 
> Another way to go is Great site. You can register for free, set up polls and surveys of all varieties, and as long as your polls are less than 10 questions, there's no charge.  Over 10 questions, and they have tiered pricing from $19.95/month and up.  You can send out as many polls as you like. 
> But do understand that neither of these sites will let you know who completed the poll. And our club prefers to know.  Hope that helps.
> Lynn Ostrem
> Crow River Investment Club
I am the treasurer of an online club of 9 members. We do
everything online and have not had any problems yet. We
have a rule that all correspondence (i.e. votes, updates,
request, educational articles, etc.) must be emailed through
our Bivio email address so that everyone knows everything
that happens. This way we can avoid typing up any minutes.


P.S. We tried to vote using another service but our members
didn't like having to log onto another site just to vote. I
start the discussion/vote with an email and our members just
reply to it.

Nia Trammell wrote:
> Please advise whether your club uses online voting to select
> stocks and whether this has worked well for the club. Also,
> if you would, please recommend online voting software or
> tools.
> Thanks in advance.
Thank you for taking the time to respond.

John Rice wrote:
> I am the treasurer of an online club of 9 members. We do
> everything online and have not had any problems yet. We
> have a rule that all correspondence (i.e. votes, updates,
> request, educational articles, etc.) must be emailed through
> our Bivio email address so that everyone knows everything
> that happens. This way we can avoid typing up any minutes.
> John
> P.S. We tried to vote using another service but our members
> didn't like having to log onto another site just to vote. I
> start the discussion/vote with an email and our members just
> reply to it.
> Nia Trammell wrote:
> > Please advise whether your club uses online voting to select
> > stocks and whether this has worked well for the club. Also,
> > if you would, please recommend online voting software or
> > tools.
> > Thanks in advance.
Nia, our group meets face-2-face every other month and
online on the alternate months. We do occasionally use
online voting for stock selection and various other items.
We maintain a Yahoo group which is free and an excellent
tool for maintaining a distribution list, message archive,
files, etc. and their polling software is very easy to use.

--Sandy, Women's Investment Network, Jupiter, FL.

Nia Trammell wrote:
> Please advise whether your club uses online voting to select
> stocks and whether this has worked well for the club. Also,
> if you would, please recommend online voting software or
> tools.
> Thanks in advance.