TEVA/Barr merger
The automatic entries performed by Bivio in relation to this
transaction are not correct, based upon the info provided by
Teva --will Bivio modify this automatically, or do I need to
go in and redo each lot of shares affected by the merger
Kay Parker wrote:
> The automatic entries performed by Bivio in relation to this
> transaction are not correct, based upon the info provided by
> Teva --will Bivio modify this automatically, or do I need to
> go in and redo each lot of shares affected by the merger
> individually?

The accountSync feature in bivio is a combination of a
computer program and updates made by the bivio staff.
The computer program relies on data in the broker's data
base, and imports transactions as recorded in the broker's
data base.
In situations like this one, where the transaction imported
by the computer program is not accurate, someone in bivio
will research the accounting and tax issues and make the
appropriate corrections in your club records. This usually
(but not always) is done over the weekend after the event
(merger, spin off, etc) occurs. If you do not see the
corrections in your club records within five business days,
a message to bivio support will alert us to make the
necessary updates.

Kay, we are in the process of making the updates to your
club records. Thank you for your patience.

Dave Swierenga
bivio support