erasing incorrectly entered "expense"
It's me again.

now i have incorrectly entered members' contributions for
their Better Investing magazine subscription as "income". I
realized it should be in the suspense account and thought i
had deleted and corrected (since their funds were only
passing through the checkbook as I ordered for everyone).
Out of curiostity, I generated the 2008 income and expense
report and my entries are still listed as expenses and

How can I erase this mistake? or can I?


PS. thank you Rip WEst for the answer to my toolkit
purchase price question.
Deanie, you need to delete entirely the incorrect entries, make sure you
aren't leaving in any AccountSynch entries that may also have been made.
Then enter things as you intended, into and out of Suspense which you select
from the menu for which cash account you are using.

Gene Rooks, SWIM, Orlando
Gene, I believe I have done that. I am beginning to
suspect it is because I am dealing with a 2007 entry error I
recently found. Possibly that has been "closed out"
permanently. makes sense.


Gene Rooks wrote:
> Deanie, you need to delete entirely the incorrect entries, make sure you
> aren't leaving in any AccountSynch entries that may also have been made.
> Then enter things as you intended, into and out of Suspense which you select
> from the menu for which cash account you are using.
> Gene Rooks, SWIM, Orlando

I am beginning to suspect it is because I am dealing with a 2007 entry error I recently found.  Possibly that has been "closed out" permanently.   makes sense.

No, that doesn't make sense to me in light of the fact that the problem showed up on running the income report for 2008. If you want to make me a guest to your club, I can take a look and see if i can pinpoint the problem.

Rip West
Saint Paul, MN

Thank you for the offer. Excuse my delay, please, as i left
town for JUly 4 weekend. Came home rested up i guess
because i just found the incorrectly entered amounts and was
able to delete them.

We feel like we have our records cleaned up.

NOW: We had a member die recently and when I entered the
Withdrawal, the Transaction Summary Report for that month
shows some confusing amounts. Below the "Full withdrawal"
numbers. ($4,293.04), under 'units" is (263.214) , which
looks correct. Then the next line repeats "Peggy's
withradwal) followed by $3843.04. and units: 235.214105 .
is that a running total from somewhere?


Rip West wrote:
> Diannie,
> &lt;&lt;
> I am beginning to suspect it is because I
> am dealing with a 2007 entry error I recently found.&nbsp; Possibly that has
> been "closed out" permanently.&nbsp;&nbsp; makes sense.
> &gt;&gt;
> No,
> that doesn't make sense to me in light of the fact that the problem showed up on
> running the income report for 2008. If you want to make me a guest to your club,
> I can take a look and see if i can pinpoint the problem.
> Rip
> West
> Saint Paul, MN
Then the next line repeats "Peggy's
withradwal) followed by $3843.04.  and units:  235.214105 .
is that a running total from somewhere?

It's hard to say without seeing the report. However, you should be able to check out the withdrawal by running a withdrawal report for that member.

Rip West
Saint Paul, MN
the withdrawal report looks fine. we decided the second set
of numbers must be her "cost" and her "units" purchased.

Rip West wrote:
> Deannie,
> &nbsp;
> &lt;&lt;
> Then the next line repeats "Peggy's
> withradwal)
> followed by $3843.04.&nbsp; and units:&nbsp; 235.214105 .
> is that a running
> total from somewhere?
> &gt;&gt;
> &nbsp;
> It's hard to say without seeing the report. However, you
> should be able to check out the withdrawal by running a withdrawal report for
> that member.
> Rip West
> Saint Paul,
> MN