Loss of acct sync with etrade
It looks like our club lost communication with Etrade about
3/29. On 3/26/08 a transaction in Etrade was reflected in
BIVIO.. Transactions since 3/31/08 have not been
communicated to BIVIO. Anyone else having this problem

Geoff Cudd
Carousel Inv Club
We haven't had a problem, we had all our contributions come
in through account sync to ETrade just fine on 4/1/08.

Geoffrey Cudd wrote:
> It looks like our club lost communication with Etrade about
> 3/29. On 3/26/08 a transaction in Etrade was reflected in
> BIVIO.. Transactions since 3/31/08 have not been
> communicated to BIVIO. Anyone else having this problem
> Geoff Cudd
> Carousel Inv Club