post-withdrawal adjustment
Does any corrective action need to be taken if there is a
post-withdrawal adjustment on the Withdrawal report inorder
to "consider it an additional fee to the member? We caught
this notation at the end of year printing of the Withdrawal
report for the archives. Should any corrective action be
taken before completing the tax reporting?
My question is getting buried by other messages. Does
anyone have an answer?

Marsha Guckenheimer wrote:
> Does any corrective action need to be taken if there is a
> post-withdrawal adjustment on the Withdrawal report inorder
> to "consider it an additional fee to the member? We caught
> this notation at the end of year printing of the Withdrawal
> report for the archives. Should any corrective action be
> taken before completing the tax reporting?
Marsha Guckenheimer writes:
> Does any corrective action need to be taken if there is a
> post-withdrawal adjustment on the Withdrawal report inorder
> to "consider it an additional fee to the member?

