Buying and selling stocks between meetings
My club is interested in know how other groups handle buying
and/or selling stocks between meetings. Do any of you have
procedures that you follow?
Hi Janice,

As enticing as it may be, making snap decisions between meetings is akin to
trying to time the market, and most clubs try to refrain from such
practices. This is not to say that a stop limit order can't be used if you
think there's trouble brewing with a particular company. We often will
place a limit order to buy a stock of it falls below a certain amount. But
those decisions are made at the meetings, after a full discussion. This is
a difficult time to be sitting tight until the next meeting. The big market
drops of the month lately seem to be coming on our valuation day! But as
long-term investors, we purchase high quality stocks with bright future
prospects and we know they will survive these turbulent times.

Lynn Ostrem, Vice President and Education Chair
Crow River Investment Club