Valuation date same as brokerage date?
It seem it would make much more sense and simplicity to have
the valuation date be the last day of the month, same as
brokerage statement: but you all never advise that? What do
you think?
Etana and Carol,

Our club uses the last day of the month prior to the meeting. It's very to balance statements etc. Everyone knows that even if the market drops between lets say 1/31/08 and the meeting on 2-14-08 that their contributions at the February meeting will buy units based on the 1/31/08 value. Since everyone buys units at the same point (on the same day using the same valuation) the value of the units is fair. When you have problems is if someone mails a check because they weren't at the meeting and then expects to receive a different valuation date. It doesn't work that way. Just like you can't buy a share of a mutual fund with the "middle of the day" value. Funds are valued at the end of the day. Our "fund/club" is valued on the last day of the month. Period.

If you want to call me my number is below.

At 12:03 PM 3/9/2008, you wrote:
It seem it would make much more sense and simplicity to have
the valuation date be the last day of the month, same as
brokerage statement: but you all never advise that? What do
you think?
Cherilyn J. Peay, NM Chapter
PO Box 1408
Bernalillo, NM  87004-1408
(505) 867-4379
(505) 867-4224 fax