Thanks !
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Thanks ! >Actually, we probably could do the withdrawal within 30 days, >now that we have learned bivio... >It really is all pretty easy. This past spring had been so challenging.. this was all within a 3 month period: 1. 4 of 9 members withdrew, including our Treasurer of 5+years 2. TDWaterhouse Changed to TDAmeritrade and we got 2 statements in May! 3. We changed from CAO to bivio, with a brand new Treasurer who had never seen either and has 0 accounting background, on a Macintosh, so we had to download CA3 onto Virtual PC on the Mac, then upgrade so we could open CA3, just to export the data with the correct extension, then export it into bivio... It worked !!!!! 4. Then we realized we needed their account #s to receive the securities. They sent us IRA numbers, and we had to have them then open taxable accounts. 5. We had never transferred securities instead of cash before in the club. 6. Then we finally could withdraw the 4 members in bivio, months after they withdrew. We know now how easy it CAN be... The months' reconciling have been very easy with AccountSync and the penny method especially. We were $.01 off at the end of the year. So I'm proud and Especially grateful for all the help. Etana, VP/Education, The Stockettes, Silver Spring, MD p.s. Now all we need is a bull market!!!!! |