bivio free trial and a club accounting workshop
On Feb 9 the Northwest Indiana Chapter BI will conduct a
workshop on a club treasurer's year-end chores, including
tax return preparation, both federal and Indiana. We are
using a bivio free trial club to do the 2007 tax year
accounting and preparation of the 1065 for the workshop demo
club. All workshop students will have access to the demo
club's accounts.

I have generated the demo club's 1065, the member tax
allocation report, and a withdrawal distribution report --
everything needed to explain the 1065 and also to explain
how to move the numbers on the 1065 to the Indiana IT-65
partnership return. It would have been quite difficult to
accomplish all of this without the generosity of the bivio
organization, and we are very grateful to bivio for their
support of our workshop. That support included reviewing
the imported data of the demo club to fix a problem that
only bivio support could fix.

Ed Berners
Director, Northwest Indiana Chapter BI