Bivio Valuation not matching broker valuation
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Bivio Valuation not matching broker valuation Our January '07 valuation is off because the market price from our broker (TDA) does not match the price per share from bivio. How do we handle this situation? Dawn,
Different data sources often have different results for
market values as of a specific date. One is no more correct than the other. Is
the difference significant? If not, I suggest that you ignore it. If the
difference is significant, you might want to check with other sources, of which
there are many on the internet. If, indeed, it does turn out that bivio is
wrong, and you want to correct it, you will probably have to go to the trouble
of making the security in question, an unlisted security and manually entering a
market price.
Another thing to consider is how much difference does it
actually make. The year end valuation is probably not used for anything that is
going to throw your records off. If units have been awarded based the values as
of the year end, it could make a difference, but probably not a material
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