Speaking of web-based software...
A bivio user just wrote:
> Lost everything when computer failed. How do I reestablish?

This poor user just emailed us to help them. Fortunately, she or he
lost nothing on bivio. Everything still there, safe in sound -- even
in the middle of this snow storm in Denver and Boulder. We have never
lost a single byte of user data. We take great precautions to keep
this statement true.

When we first started bivio in 1998, I made a promise to myself: never
develop a desktop application ever again. At that time, few people
were connected to the Internet, and if they were, it was via slow
dialup lines. We had to work very hard to make bivio usable for

Almost 10 years later, we still get support requests to help users who
have "lost everything" on their own computer. And, we still haven't
lost a byte of data, because of that promise I made to myself way back
in 1998.

It was tough going way back in the early years of bivio when we were
the first and only web-based accounting package for funds and
investment clubs. Web-based software has become much more popular and
that's helped us greatly. Yet, there are still people who think it's
the wrong way to do their accounting, because they are worried about

The reality is that your PC is less secure than ours from both a
reliability point of view and from your ability to secure your own PC
and network. Home PCs are lower quality than bivio's computers, and
home PCs are also more prone to successful attacks by virus writers.

Be safe with your accounting data this tax season: use bivio.
