Our TDAmeritrade account is not synching!
We are supposed to have AccountSynch. But, although our
stock buys from last month show on our TDAmeritrade
statement, they have not yet shown up on our Bivio

 What is the problem? And what must be done to fix it??
Hello Catherine.

Catherine Hoolahan wrote:
> although our
> stock buys from last month show on our TDAmeritrade
> statement, they have not yet shown up on our Bivio
> statement.

Generally, this is a question best addressed to But it also seems like a good
opportunity to share a little knowledge with everyone in the

I see in your records that AccountSync has imported
transactions in the past. But your brokerage account is
missing login information. Has your brokerage password
changed? AccountSync will clear the login information if
the login credentials are rejected by the broker's servers.
You'll probably be glad to know that brokerages do NOT
notify us if you change your password with them. ;-) We
just find out about it when your old credentials stop
working at which point we clear our records.

You can re-enter the brokerage login information from the
Accounting > Accounts page:

In the table of accounts you'll find an 'info' link in the
Actions column of the row for your broker account. Click
that link and re-enter your brokerage login information.

If your brokerage login information didn't change, please
email support so we can investigate your specific

Take care.
Eric Dobbs
bivio Inc.