TDAmeritrade/ Accountsync
On the TDA website is a note to users of quicken that some
changes need to be made re the TDWaterhouse -Ameritrade
merge of web sites this summer. I remember reading that
bivio uses a quicken format to search for transactions. Do
we need to do all the steps that TDA recommends or does
bivio have that covered for us.
ANNE WEEKS writes:
> On the TDA website is a note to users of quicken that some
> changes need to be made re the TDWaterhouse -Ameritrade
> merge of web sites this summer. I remember reading that
> bivio uses a quicken format to search for transactions. Do
> we need to do all the steps that TDA recommends or does
> bivio have that covered for us.

We take care of that for you. We constantly update our import
software to accommodate changes in broker data feeds.
