AccountSync/Scottrade hiccup?
Our AccountSync to Scottrade link has been working fine for
over a year. But as of today (10/4/07) there are a dozen
transactions listed at Scottrade that have not been
transferred to bivio yet (2 for 9/28, 1 for 9/30, and 9 for
10/2). We have not made any changes to our Scottrade login,
& have not had our Accountsync subscription expire or hit
our transaction limit, so this doesn't seem to be specific
to our account.

Has anyone else seen this problem? -- One of the
transactions is interest paid by Scottrade on 9/30, so I
imagine everyone who uses Scottrade had a transaction on
that date.

Since it's two computers talking to each other, the problem
could be at either end. I'm inclined to suspect Scottrade,
because it started at the end of the month, but have no
other evidence of that.

Mike Carroll
Michael Carroll writes:
> Since it's two computers talking to each other, the problem
> could be at either end. I'm inclined to suspect Scottrade,
> because it started at the end of the month, but have no
> other evidence of that.

Scottrade is our worst data feed. We have to visit three different
types of files (OFX, CSV, and HTML) to get the data from Scottrade.
I'm pretty sure we do better much than Quicken as a result, but there
is sometimes not much we can do.

We fix the broker import software ever week to try to do better or to
work around problems with broker data. This may be one of those
issues. If it is, we'll try to make the transactions show up in

We have spoken with Scottrade. They are working on a new OFX
datafeed. The last estimate was that they would have this done by
2008. Perhaps if you called them to complain, they would count your
vote. However, as we have seen in the past with other brokers, their
IT departments work on their own schedules, and customers have very
little say when the bugs get fixed.

Software is obviously not a money making feature of Scottrade. Their
price per trade is where they make money. Not to say that a higher
priced broker will have any better software, just that Scottrade's
business model is about keeping costs down.

I hope the above helps you understand that we try out best at bivio to
deliver quality software, but there are numerous factors which are
beyond our control.


Yes, I did software development once upon a time, so I
realize there are factors beyond your control. I thought the
exchange of financial data was less of a nightmare due to
standardization, but I guess not, or not yet, anyway. I did
email Scottrade tech support (not much point in calling the
local office, I think) but I haven't heard back from them
yet. Thanks for your prompt reply.
