YUM split
Our original YUM stocks are held by Yum Brands, a
DRIP. We also have some we bought through Scottrade. Bivio
credited our YUM account with the Scottrade shares, but how
do I enter the 58+ shares we got that are being held by YUM?
They are not in the stockbrocker account or bank or
suspense. HELP.
Charlotte Lindner

You will have to enter the split on the drip shares manually. I could tell
you how to do it, but I need more information. Are your drip shares and the
Scottrade shares combined in bivio, or do you, in effect, have two stocks.
If you can get me how many shares you held in Scottrade, how many in Drip,
how many shares your received in the split from Scottrade, including
fractional shares, and the exact number of shares you got from your drip
holding [58.???], we can probably work this out.

Rip West
Saint Paul, MN