Tyco Intl
Why are we not seeing the new shares of Covidian and Tyco
Elec posted in Bivio? These new issues are trading and have
been trading since 7/2/07. We use BuyAndHold and the new
shares have been posted for a week now. This makes for bad
bookkeeping on Bivio.

Arjuna Rahman writes:
> Why are we not seeing the new shares of Covidian and Tyco
> Elec posted in Bivio? These new issues are trading and have
> been trading since 7/2/07. We use BuyAndHold and the new
> shares have been posted for a week now. This makes for bad
> bookkeeping on Bivio.

BuyAndHold seems to have reported this transaction quite strangely,
and AccountSync interpreted the spinoffs as a TYC split, which is
incorrect. What seems to have happened is that TYC split into three
companies, but BuyAndHold didn't relate the transactions in any way so
AccountSync had no way of knowing that a spinoff happened.

We'll fix this up next week. I'm sorry for this error, and any
inconvenience it may have caused. I've extended your subscription by
a month to make up for it.

> We'll fix this up next week. I'm sorry for this error, and any
> inconvenience it may have caused. I've extended your subscription by
> a month to make up for it.

If you want to record the transaction manually, which Rob does not
recommend, you can find what you need at

Rip West
Saint Paul, MN