Unallocated Earnings
Recently, I created two portfolios with the help of Rob.
Here's my question: on one of my portfolio's balance sheet
report, it shows 'unallocated earnings' when instead it
should be booked into the capital account of a member. The
portfolio is not associated with a club ... so there is just
one member. Let me know if I am understanding this correctly
or if I am missing something. Thanks in advance.

Hi Bakul,

Even though you only have one member, you are going to have 'unallocated
earnings'. Dividends received during the year are going to be 'unallocated'
until year end. I don't think the balance sheet report is very meaningful in
your situation. Actually, it's not very meaningful for a club with many
members, either, since it is based solely on cost. Very few people, aside
from we accounting geeks, pay any attention to it.

Rip West
Saint Paul, MN
Thanks, Rip. I'll have to learn to ignore it.


Rip West wrote:
> Hi Bakul,
> Even though you only have one member, you are going to have 'unallocated
> earnings'. Dividends received during the year are going to be 'unallocated'
> until year end. I don't think the balance sheet report is very meaningful in
> your situation. Actually, it's not very meaningful for a club with many
> members, either, since it is based solely on cost. Very few people, aside
> from we accounting geeks, pay any attention to it.
> Rip West
> Saint Paul, MN