TD Ameritrade change affecting Accountsync
What are folks putting into their account info to get
Accountsync to work with TD Ameritrade's change? I login
into our club account using the old Waterhouse account
number to the new website, but the information I put into
account info isn't validating. I put in old Waterhouse
number for Broker Login and new account number for Account
Number. I tried new account number in both fields but that
didn't work either. Advise? Thanks.
Terence Shinsato wrote:
> What are folks putting into their account info to get
> Accountsync to work with TD Ameritrade's change?
You should enter your account number (the first 8 digits) in the
"Broker Login" and "Account Number" fields. If you have any further
difficulty, please contact and we'll respond to you
Paul Moeller
bivio, Inc.