club_cafe: Waterhouse and Ameritrade
In a message dated 3/22/2007 3:19:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
   A quick follow-up to your most recent posting regarding
   data feeds and the AccountSync program.
   You stated: "TD Waterhouse (not Ameritrade, btw) seems to
   use a different data feed than other companies."
   Would you please amplify your "btw" comment regarding
   Ameritrade and Waterhouse?
   I did a quick bivioogle of the archives but could not
   locate anything that would explain the distinction
   between TD Waterhouse and TD Ameritrade.  Since our
   broker statements are sent from TD Ameritrade, it might
   be enlightening to know why bivio still uses the
   Waterhouse title.
I can answer this one. Although Ameritrade and TDWaterhouse merged some time ago, they are still operating separate back office systems as my club recently discovered when we wanted to transfer some stock to a withdrawing member. The member had to establish a new TDAmeritrade account while our account was still on the TDWaterhouse side. Then they wouldn't transfer the stock because the two accounts were at different brokers! We were finally able to move far enough up the chain of command to get it to happen, but it wasn't easy. The back office systems are expected to be combined later this year. (BTW, Ameritrade account numbers are 9 digits long, TDW accounts are 8 digits.)
Ira Smilovitz

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