Syncing with TDA - Valuation closing prices are wrong!
The Feb. closing price on our TDA statement was different
than that reported by Bivio, even though all other
transactions did sync correctly. HOG and UNH both had
differences that added up to an over $3 discrepancy.

In our previous accounting software we could go in and
adjust the valuation closing price to match the statement
from the brokerage. Is there a way to manually adjust the
prices in Bivio?

Sandy Proesch writes:
> The Feb. closing price on our TDA statement was different
> than that reported by Bivio, even though all other
> transactions did sync correctly. HOG and UNH both had
> differences that added up to an over $3 discrepancy.
> In our previous accounting software we could go in and
> adjust the valuation closing price to match the statement
> from the brokerage. Is there a way to manually adjust the
> prices in Bivio?

I'm glad to hear that AccountSync(tm) automatically entered your
transactions, and your statement reconciles. That's the beauty of
AccountSync. Your accounting is correct, if all the transactions
match the broker transactions.

I understand your concern. One would think that in this day and age
we would eliminated discrepancies such as this one. You'd think there
would be a single closing price published for all stocks.
Unfortunately, there isn't one source, and stock data distribution is
more of an art than a science.

TD Waterhouse (not Ameritrade, btw) seems to use a different data feed
than other companies. We use Commodity Systems, Inc. (CSI), which
also supplies closing prices to Yahoo!, among large Internet sites and

We don't allow customers to change closing prices for one simple
reason: bivio's job is to make sure the closing prices are as accurate
as possible. If our data provider (CSI) makes a mistake, we need to
know about it, because we will tell them. This will correct the value
for all our customers.

The next step for you to do is to visit other Internet sites, and
compare the closing prices for HOG and UNH. Here's a link to Yahoo's

You'll note that bivio agrees with Yahoo!, but feel free to check
other sites on the Internet. No doubt you'll find differences.

bivio trusts CSI to be as accurate as possible. We've tried other
data providers, and they are much worse. That's what you pay us for,
and we the best in the business.
