club_cafe: Printing reports on a single page

> How's it going on YOUR side of town? <G>

Probably the same as on your side of town. Same weather at least....

> of paper, each. If you click on File|Print Setup. Select Acrobat
> Distiller|Layout|Advanced to make sure it's set for 100% scaling. That's
> all I can see from my end.

I was able to get it to print on one page using 80 percent scaling, but what a pain! In tools like excel, you can scale to fit to one page. Are you using Firefox or Explorer? I failed to mention I was using Explorer while our old treasurer was using Firefox.

Jeff Williams writes:
> I was able to get it to print on one page using 80 percent scaling,
> but what a pain! In tools like excel, you can scale to fit to one
> page. Are you using Firefox or Explorer? I failed to mention I was
> using Explorer while our old treasurer was using Firefox.

You can scale the font before going to the report. There's a select
box on the bottom of the page. Should make the text fit better.
