Printing reports on a single page

Our last treasurer was using Firefox and when he printed to
a PDF from that it kept reports on one page. When I print
to acrobat to print out a report, it will not fit on one
page. I have looked all over the place for an option to get
it to fit to one page and cannot find anything.

Can anyone help me out here?

Jeff Williams
Hi Jeff,

How's it going on YOUR side of town? <G>

I don't print our Valuation Statement and Member Status Reports in PDF. No
need. But I just printed both of mine to PDF and they stayed on one sheet
of paper, each. If you click on File|Print Setup. Select Acrobat
Distiller|Layout|Advanced to make sure it's set for 100% scaling. That's
all I can see from my end.

Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club