Transactions reported in error
I had several stocks which were sold at 0 yesterday by
Ameritrade. These were corrected and the shares placed back
in my account before the end of the day but those erroneous
trades were still reported to Bivio- can I just delete them?
Kelly Family Trust writes:
> I had several stocks which were sold at 0 yesterday by
> Ameritrade. These were corrected and the shares placed back
> in my account before the end of the day but those erroneous
> trades were still reported to Bivio- can I just delete them?

Yes. AccountSync tries very hard to work around broker errors like
this, but we don't always succeed.

I've been at this for an hour now- Can you please tell me how to delete the
errors- I can't seem to figure it out.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Rob
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 8:45 AM
To: The Club Cafe
Subject: Re: club_cafe: Transactions reported in error

Kelly Family Trust writes:
> I had several stocks which were sold at 0 yesterday by
> Ameritrade. These were corrected and the shares placed back
> in my account before the end of the day but those erroneous
> trades were still reported to Bivio- can I just delete them?

Yes. AccountSync tries very hard to work around broker errors like
this, but we don't always succeed.

tkelly writes:
> I've been at this for an hour now- Can you please tell me how to delete the
> errors- I can't seem to figure it out.

You click on the checkbox next to the transaction(s). Then you go to
the bottom of the screen and click the Delete button. Two help pages
may be useful:
