Partnership share error or anomoly?
I've got a member who withdrew this year.

On her K-1 her beginning partnership share shows as 6.8%.
However, if I run a membership status report as of 1/1/2006
(or 12/31/2005) her share shows up as 7.8% - which is the
same number that was on her ending partnership share from
her 2005 return.

Is there a reason for this, or is this an error in the tax
form generation?


Brian White wrote:
> On her K-1 her beginning partnership share shows as 6.8%.
> However, if I run a membership status report as of 1/1/2006
> (or 12/31/2005) her share shows up as 7.8%
There is a special rule in the 1065 instructions for withdrawn
if a partner's interest terminated during the year, enter in the
Beginning column the percentages that existed immediately before the
Paul Moeller
bivio, Inc.