Some time ago I had a question:
Line N "Partners capital account analysis" is blank. Should
it not have beginning and ending capital account values.

You said:
No. If Question 5 on page 2 was answered yes, then Section N
does not have to be filled out.

My question:
Where does one find Q# 5 page2? It's not on "Retake
Partnership Tax Interview" which seems to be the only
questionnaire that I can see. What is question 5?
Question 5 does not come up in the interview. The software knows the answers to the question. You can see how it was answered by printing [or looking at] page 2 of the 1065. If the answer is 'no', I am not sure what bivio does. I suspect that it prints out the rest of the return, and you have to fill the rest by hand. I do know that by paying an addition amount, bivio will prepare those schedules for you.

Rip West
Saint Paul, MN
Rip West wrote:
> If the answer is 'no', I am not sure what bivio does.
Our software will fill out K-1 Item N, 1065 Item F, Schedules L, M-1
and M-2 if the club has yearly income over $250K or total assets over
$600K. Otherwise the extra information is left blank.
Paul Moeller
bivio, Inc.