AccountKeeper Discontinued?
We recieved a message that bivio is discontinuing

I cannot find any reference to this on the web site in fact
AccountKeeper is still promoted on the web site.

Did anyone else get this message or is it only being
discontinued for our club?

From: bivio Customer Support []
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 10:28 AM
Subject: [Request #56109] K-1 Status

Ms Peycelon,

We are working on club audits this week. This should allow
us to get returns out later this month. We hope to have them
by 2/23. We'll keep you posted.

I do have some bad news for you. Given that we have not
been able to keep up with AccountKeeper as you and we would
like, we are going to be discontinuing this service in 2007.
We'll prepare your 2006 return, but you will have to renew
with AccountSync or ActivePartnership instead of
AccountKeeper. We simply can't deliver the service you
deserve at the price you have to pay for AccountKeeper.
What you'll find is that AccountSync is very easy to use,
and you'll be able to import from more brokers now that
added a manual import like Quicken has.

Please accept our apologies for discontinuing AccountKeeper.

If you have any other questions, comments, or suggestions,
please reply to this message.

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Thank you for using bivio,
Rob Nagler
bivio Inc.
Alicia Peycelon writes:
> We recieved a message that bivio is discontinuing
> AccountKeeper.
> I cannot find any reference to this on the web site in fact
> AccountKeeper is still promoted on the web site.

We have not released the changes to remove AccountKeeper from our
site. They are in test, and will be released this weekend.
