State Tax Forms
Rob, in response to your comments regarding future plans to
add more states to your list of returns, do you anticipate
an additional increase in subscription price for the 2007
tax year? Or, will the additional state forms be included
in the $99 subscription fee?

Bob Hooper
Tucson, AZ

<<We are planning on adding other state returns this year
for the 2007 tax season. We can't say which returns will be
generated at this time. We'll keep you posted on this list.

Robert Hooper writes:
> Rob, in response to your comments regarding future plans to
> add more states to your list of returns, do you anticipate
> an additional increase in subscription price for the 2007
> tax year? Or, will the additional state forms be included
> in the $99 subscription fee?

No plans to increase AccountSync above $99, and that price will
include any state tax form software we complete for the 2007 tax year.

Rob Nagler
bivio Inc.