where is bivio support?
I don't get any response.

I cannot find a quick way to look over past transactions.
is there a quick click to a list of chronological

the glossary mentions a friendly print button but i don't
find one. my reports require cutting and pasting to get
them to one page. big hassle.


>I don't get any response.

Hi Deannie,

It's tax time, and due to the heavy influx of NAIC clubs transferring
accounts, tech support has its hands full. This team is very responsive, I
can assure you. Please try to be patient.

> I cannot find a quick way to look over past transactions.
> is there a quick click to a list of chronological transactions?

If I want every transaction in a broker or bank account, I click on
Accounting|Accounts. I choose the account I want, then click on
Transactions. They are in reverse order, but they are order, nonetheless.

If I want the transactions for any security or member, I click on
Accouting|Reports and choose either Member Status Report or Investment
Performance Report, then click on Transactions. These are in order from
oldest to newest. Note there is a checkbox to include or remove inactive
stocks or members.

Regarding your other message about Edward Jones vs. Scottrade. If you
signed up your Scottrade account to AccountSync here at Bivio, it will draw
information from Scottrade. It cannot telepathically pick up the activity
from Edward Jones! <G> This software is good, but not that good!

I know how frustrating it can be to learn a new account. Been there; done
that. Just try to remember, this is not CA3. Give yourself a little time to
learn the new system. At the end of the day, I think you'll be happy with
what Bivio has given us to work with.

Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club

Thank you so much. I needed to hear that.

Yes, I will get used to it. Just in a crunch trying to generate my first
bivio reports before i leave town.

i will try to trust the program.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lynn Ostrem" <>
To: "The Club Cafe" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: club_cafe: where is bivio support?

>>I don't get any response.
> Hi Deannie,
> It's tax time, and due to the heavy influx of NAIC clubs transferring
> accounts, tech support has its hands full. This team is very responsive,
> I can assure you. Please try to be patient.
>> I cannot find a quick way to look over past transactions.
>> is there a quick click to a list of chronological transactions?
> If I want every transaction in a broker or bank account, I click on
> Accounting|Accounts. I choose the account I want, then click on
> Transactions. They are in reverse order, but they are order, nonetheless.
> If I want the transactions for any security or member, I click on
> Accouting|Reports and choose either Member Status Report or Investment
> Performance Report, then click on Transactions. These are in order from
> oldest to newest. Note there is a checkbox to include or remove inactive
> stocks or members.
> Regarding your other message about Edward Jones vs. Scottrade. If you
> signed up your Scottrade account to AccountSync here at Bivio, it will
> draw information from Scottrade. It cannot telepathically pick up the
> activity from Edward Jones! <G> This software is good, but not that good!
> I know how frustrating it can be to learn a new account. Been there; done
> that. Just try to remember, this is not CA3. Give yourself a little time
> to learn the new system. At the end of the day, I think you'll be happy
> with what Bivio has given us to work with.
> Lynn Ostrem, President
> Crow River Investment Club
To Deannie and all other new treasurers:

There are a couple of very fine retired CPAs who follow this board. They are
nearly ALWAYS here to lend a helping hand. Then there's the rest of us who
may not be experts, but we understand the Bivio system. Don't hesitate to
call on this board for help. There are no dumb questions here!

Also, if you haven't signed up for Club Cafe messages to automatically come
into your inbox, you should. You can delete the messages that don't
interest you. But some of them might be very educational, especially if you
are new here.

 To do this, all you have to do is go to Club Cafe from Bivio's homepage.
Click on the "join" button. To stop messages from coming to your personal
inbox, click the "leave" button.

Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club
my question was can I draw from both. I'm thinking your answer must mean
that E Jones is not one of the bivio options. i will go back and look at
that list. If e jones is on thelist, is it possible to connect to both.
I'm thinking "no", that I must choose one.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Deannie Rule" <>
To: "The Club Cafe" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: club_cafe: where is bivio support?

> Lynn,
> Thank you so much. I needed to hear that.
> Yes, I will get used to it. Just in a crunch trying to generate my first
> bivio reports before i leave town.
> i will try to trust the program.
> Deannie
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lynn Ostrem" <>
> To: "The Club Cafe" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 1:13 PM
> Subject: Re: club_cafe: where is bivio support?
>>>I don't get any response.
>> Hi Deannie,
>> It's tax time, and due to the heavy influx of NAIC clubs transferring
>> accounts, tech support has its hands full. This team is very responsive,
>> I can assure you. Please try to be patient.
>>> I cannot find a quick way to look over past transactions.
>>> is there a quick click to a list of chronological transactions?
>> If I want every transaction in a broker or bank account, I click on
>> Accounting|Accounts. I choose the account I want, then click on
>> Transactions. They are in reverse order, but they are order,
>> nonetheless.
>> If I want the transactions for any security or member, I click on
>> Accouting|Reports and choose either Member Status Report or Investment
>> Performance Report, then click on Transactions. These are in order from
>> oldest to newest. Note there is a checkbox to include or remove inactive
>> stocks or members.
>> Regarding your other message about Edward Jones vs. Scottrade. If you
>> signed up your Scottrade account to AccountSync here at Bivio, it will
>> draw information from Scottrade. It cannot telepathically pick up the
>> activity from Edward Jones! <G> This software is good, but not that
>> good!
>> I know how frustrating it can be to learn a new account. Been there;
>> done that. Just try to remember, this is not CA3. Give yourself a little
>> time to learn the new system. At the end of the day, I think you'll be
>> happy with what Bivio has given us to work with.
>> Lynn Ostrem, President
>> Crow River Investment Club
> If e jones is on thelist, is it possible to connect to both. I'm thinking
> "no", that I must choose one.

Deannie, until someone with more knowledge chimes in, I'm guessing you have
to choose one.

Lynn O.

let me tell you another strange thing tht happened to me when I first
cranked up bivio. I pulled up a membership report and there was a member
who had withdrawn in 1999. Her name had never come up since then, on the
other program. I wound up going back to NAIC and back in the files to
July1999 when this member had withdrawn. I couldn't telll if everything
made sense, so i went thru the process of withdrawing her again . (altho her
name on the current report showed that she was a member but had no holdings.

That did cause the name to disappear, however, i then had an extra $260 in
my bank account. finally i just deleted the second "fine" from when that
member withdrew, and the price was finally right. I'm not sure what
happened but I think I fixed it.


> let me tell you another strange thing tht happened...

Hey Deannie,

Have you broken any mirrors or walked under any ladders lately!? <Grin>

Lynn O.