Two Missing Pennies
Re: Re: No end-of-year transactions required in bivo(?)
by Jim Thomas on 01/07/2007 14:12

>> (1) $9.45 cash dividend paid.
>> (2) 0.211 shares purchased @ $44.679.
>> ...
>> So, bivio adds whatever "fee" is necessary to
>> the second transaction ($0.02 in this case)
>> to make the two transactions balance.

>Or, perhaps (I'd think more likely) the 2nd transactions is

>(2) $9.45 for 0.211 shares (@ $44.679)

>... so bivio doesn't have to infer the dollar amount of the
>2nd transaction. bivio is inferring a "fee" so it can
>preserve the shares price shown by the broker in the
>transaction comment.

>-Jim Thomas

I think the subject is not "Year End Transactions. . .", so
I will start another thread.

If it were my account, I'd contact the Broker and ask "Where
did the two cents go?"

In the last few years, I found some transactions with
missing cents. It turned out that certain fees / taxes
showed up only in the details of the transaction. As I
recall, the extra cents in went to the NYSE or else the SEC,
and that they only showed up on SELL transactions. At the
time, I was using NCA, and had to enter the data by hand.
It was hard to find a blank for that number.

As an aside, I did notice that NCA3 does have room for such
details, but instead of in the SELL transaction, it is in
the BUY transaction. :(

I am glad to be trying out bivio.


Allen Perkins
Allen, just as a matter of information, the pennies SEC fee that is added to
Sale transactions does not need to be entered separately, just increase the
normal broker fee for those few cents. This pennies brouhaha involving
reinvested dividends aren't a fee at all, it's just a result of rounding
when you are dealing with small amounts buying a fraction of a share.

Gene Rooks, Orlando
With all due respect are you seriously chasing 2 cents
around? I wouldn't chase 2 dollars around, your time has to
be worth something. If it takes you 5 minutes to chase down
2 cents your time is only worth 24 cents an hour would you
work for that? :)