No long-term gains for short-term members?

We had a member last year who withdrew after 3 months. In
looking at our club's Tax Allocation Report for the year, I
see she's the only one who has no long-term capital gains.
That column is $0.00 for her.

I'm familiar with the long-term/short-term distinction for
stock holdings, of course. But I never ran into it with
regard to investment club membership before.

Is this a general rule, that anyone who belongs to a club
will have only short-term gains, if they belong to the club
less than a year (or whatever the cutoff is for short vs.

Our club uses time-based allocation, if that matters.

Thanks again.

Mike Carroll
Hi Mike,

I think your mixing two separate concepts here. I would assume that the reason that she shows no long-term capital gains is that she was not a member when those long-term capital gains were realized. If she shows short-term capital gains, she must have been a member when the club realized short-term gains.
Her length of time in the club only affects the gain/loss that she realizes on leaving the club. That is to say the gain/loss on her disposal of her partnership interest. That won't appear on any allocation report or k1. It will show on her withdrawal report. If she has been a member for one year or less, her gain/loss on the disposal of her club interest will be short-term.

Rip West
Saint Paul, MN

Ok, that was the alternative I had in mind, that this is NOT
any kind of general rule, but just an accident of this
particular case. A coincidence. Thanks for clarifying.
