E-mail coming to home E mail
When did it begin that all Club Cafe messages come to home E
mails? Is there a reason for that happening. Sometimes
there are a lot of messages.!!! I guess I can set up a way
to get them into a folder, but it made me wonder why this
change came about. Who gets them? Anyone who has sent a
message to Club Cafe? Is each member of my club getting
them? I haven't heard anyone mentioning getting them.
Just curious??!!
Sandy Starr writes:
> When did it begin that all Club Cafe messages come to home E
> mails? Is there a reason for that happening.

You must have clicked the "join" button on this page:

When you visit this page, you'll see a "leave" button. This will stop
the emails from the Club Cafe from coming to your account.

Hi Sandy! You chose to get Club Cafe messages delivered to your home email.
You need only change your preference. It probably wasn't as noticeable
before AccountSync became a standard feature. The board is very busy right
now. I'm sure it will get quiet again in a month or so.

Personally, I prefer to get the messages which I can always delete by the
subject line. If something really important comes across Club Cafe, I'd
rather know about it.

Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club
Rob,    Our club disbanded this year and I'm no longer subscribing to bivio.  However, I still get all the Cafe Club emails.  I tried clicking on the link below and looked for the "leave" button, but found none.  I subsequently tried to login using our club's former ID and password (thinking that there might be another way to approach this problem), but, predictably, was unable to access the site.  How do you suggest I "leave" the Cafe Club roster without having to change my email address?

Rob Nagler <> wrote:
Sandy Starr writes:
> When did it begin that all Club Cafe messages come to home E
> mails? Is there a reason for that happening.

You must have clicked the "join" button on this page:

When you visit this page, you'll see a "leave" button. This will stop
the emails from the Club Cafe from coming to your account.



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erica writes:
> However, I still get all the Cafe Club emails.

I unsubscribed you from our monthly bulletins and the Club Cafe. If
you'd like your data deleted (something we don't recommend unless
you've made printouts), please email, and we'll take
care of it.
